This is the documentation page for Module:Mw.html extension

File:Information icon-grey.svg
This is a documentation subpage for Module:Mw.html extension.
It contains usage information, categories, and other content that is not part of the original module page.
Module:Mw.html extension requires libraryUtil.

This module is a helper module to be used by other modules; it may not designed to be invoked directly. See RuneScape:Lua/Helper modules for a full list and more information.

addClassIf(cond, class)boolean, stringIf cond = true it behaves the same as the normal addClass function, otherwise it's a no-op. Ex.: mw.html.create('div'):addClassIf(true, 'align-left-1')
attrIf(cond, name, value)boolean, string/table, string/nilSimilar to addClassIf
cssIf(cond, name, value)boolean, string/table, string/nilSimilar to addClassIf
doneIf(cond)booleanSimilar to addClassIf
tagIf(cond, tag)boolean, stringSimilar to addClassIf
wikitextIf(cond, text)boolean, stringSimilar to addClassIf
na()N/AShortcut for :tag('td'):attr('data-sort-value', 0):attr('class','table-na'):wikitext('<small>N/A</small>'):done()
naIf(cond)booleanSimilar to addClassIf
tr([settings])table/nilShortcut for :tag('tr') but also auto closes the previous 'tr', 'th' or 'td' tag (so you don't need to add :done() before it). settings is a table with keys:
  • class or addClass - A string passed to :addClass()
  • attr - A table passed to :attr()
  • css - A table passed to :css()
  • cssText - A string passed to :cssText()
th([settings])string/table/nilShortcut for :tag('th'):wikitext(settings) if settings is a string. Also auto closes the previous 'th' or 'td' tag. settings can also be a table with keys:
  • [1] (array) or wikitext - A string passed to :wikitext()
  • class or addClass - A string passed to :addClass()
  • attr - A table passed to :attr()
  • css - A table passed to :css()
  • cssText - A string passed to :cssText()
td([settings])string/table/nilSame as :th(). Example:

<syntaxhighlight lang='lua'> local tbl = mw.html.create('table') tbl:tr{ class='sortable' }

:th{'foo', attr={'data-sort-type', 'number'
           :attr('data-sort-value', 10)
       :td{'N/A', class='table-na'}


|fname12 = IF(cond) |ftype12 = boolean |fuse12 = Allows for if-blocks without breaking the chain. If the condition is true it is a no-op, if false everything inside the balanced IF-END block will be ignored. Can be nested. Ex.: <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> mw.html.create('div')

       :wikitext('Conditional text')

</syntaxhighlight> Note: This only prevents elements from being added to your html object, it does not protect against statements that throw errors. I.e <syntaxhighlight lang='lua'> mw.html.create('div')

       :wikitext(5 * nil) -- This will still throw an error


|fname13 = ELSEIF(cond) |ftype13 = boolean |fuse13 = Used together with IF().

|fname14 = ELSE() |ftype14 = N/A |fuse14 = Used together with IF().

|fname15 = END() |ftype15 = N/A |fuse15 = Used together with IF(). Make sure the IF-END tags are balanced, it wont throw an error if they are not.

|fname16 = exec(func, ...) |ftype16 = function, any |fuse16 = Call a function without breaking the chain. See module docs for more info.

|fname17 = addFunction(func, name) |ftype17 = function, string |fuse17 = Add a function to the mw.html class that can then be used on mw.html object. See module docs for more info. }}


For all functions other than addFunction() all you need to do is simply require this module: <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> require('Module:Mw.html extension') local p = {}

function p.main()

   local tbl = mw.html.create('div')
           :wikitext('Conditional text')
           :wikitext('something else')
       :addClassIf(true, 'wikitable')
           :wikitext('normal wikitext')


return p </syntaxhighlight>

You can mix the normal old functions with the newly added ones.


This accepts either a name-value pair or a table

  • :attrIf(true, 'data-sort-value', '0')
  • :attrIf(true, {'data-sort-value' = '0', ...})


This accepts either a name-value pair or a table similar to attrIf


The first parameter of the function will have the current state of the mw.html object passed into it, usually we call this parameter self, the rest of the parameters can be anything you want. To not break the chaining the function must also return a mw.html object. Example: <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local function repNa(self, times)

   for i = 1,times do
   return self

end </syntaxhighlight>

This function can then be used as follows <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> mw.html.create('div'):exec(repNa, 5) </syntaxhighlight>


The function you want to add has to be of the same structure as in exec(). Example: <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local htmlExtension = require('Module:Mw.html extension') local p = {}

local function repNa(self, times)

   for i = 1,times do
   return self

end htmlExtension.addFunction(repNa, 'repNaName')

function p.main()

   local tbl = mw.html.create('div'):repNaName(5)


return p </syntaxhighlight>

tr, th and td

The following three tables are the same: <syntaxhighlight lang='lua'> local tbl = mw.html.create('table') tbl:tr{ class='sortable' }

       :th{'foo', attr={['data-sort-type']='number'}} -- or attr={'data-sort-type', 'number'}
       :td{'N/A', class='table-na'}

local tbl2 = mw.html.create('table') tbl2:tag('tr')

           :attr('data-sort-type', 'number')
       :done() -- This is needed because "tag('tr')" is used after this instead of "tr()"

local tbl3 = mw.html.create('table') tbl3:tag('tr')

           :attr('data-sort-type', 'number')
