Oda, the celestial beings native to Otherside, form a mystical trio encompassing Koda, Mara, and Kodamara. Collectively, Oda serve as mystical guardians and stewards of the Otherside world. These beings exhibit distinctive abilities that define their roles within Otherside's Legends of The Mara. Koda, revered as elders, wield extraordinary power, adept in hunting, farming, and enchanting. Emerging from meteoric Vessels, Mara assume specialized roles dictated by the Vessel's designated function. Through the transformative process fueled by Catalyst ingestion, Mara metamorphose into Kodamara, embodying the characteristics of the Catalyst and gaining the capacity to perform all three abilities. In their capacity as primary custodians, Oda play a pivotal role in combatting the formidable Shattered, acquiring valuable loot upon triumph for crafting endeavors. The journey of Oda unfolds across the four distinct seasons of the Otherside Odiac, introducing challenges and opportunities for the strategic utilization of Sediment Fragments and the celestial prowess of Oda.

A Weapon Koda, Kodamara, and three common Mara
A Weapon Koda, Kodamara, and three common Mara

Oda Stats

Role Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary Koda Weapon Koda Mega Koda

Ability Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary Ability Cooldown
Attack Speed Buff
speed increase
for 5h
speed increase
for 5h
speed increase
for 5h
speed increase
for 5h
speed increase
for 5h
20 hours
Critical Chance Buff
chance increase
for 5h
chance increase
for 5h
chance increase
for 5h
chance increase
for 5h
chance increase
for 5h
20 hours
Damage Buff
damge increase
for 5h
damge increase
for 5h
damge increase
for 5h
damge increase
for 5h
damge increase
for 5h
20 hours
Damage Over Time
30% Damage
every 4s
for 45m
32% Damage
every 4s
for 45m
35% Damage
every 4s
for 45m
37% Damage
every 4s
for 45m
40% Damage
every 4s
for 45m
10 hours
Direct Damage
3,500% Damage
3,700% Damage
3,900% Damage
37% Damage
40% Damage
16 hours
